Where have I been? Where am I going?

It's taken me six months
to recognize the wonderful gift
the Universe has given me.
My dreams
which I dared not believe could come true
have collided with my now.
My new life begins
and I live the life most only hope
to have.
Soul contract, life purpose,
"what I was born to do,"
have presented, no reminded me
that all that has passed
has lead me to this moment
when I can begin to be/do what I came to Earth to do.
And now it begins!
Finished reading Eckhart Tolle's new book
A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.
Out of the blue a good friend invited me to a seminar on "change" at
Spirit Rock.
I said goodbye to some old friends that I may never see again.
Visited the Legion of Honor Museum
100 years ago San Francisco had the earthquake and burned photo exhibit
Will it happen again?
First time ever Yoga today.
First time ever meditation meeting tonight
Enrolling in school
I won't be posting here much anymore.
Thank you for reading!