Thursday, January 12, 2006

I'm Breaking the Law

According to this blurb from The Sovereign Society Offshore A-Letter (Thursday, January 12, 2006 - Vol. 8 No. 9), by posting this site anonymously, I will be in violation of the law if I post anything "annoying." Yet it is my free speech right to say whatever I fucking want!

Fuck you George Bush! There, now arrest me.


"Privacy and Rights

"Free Speech Anonymous. Mail Fraud

"A STUPID NEW FEDERAL CRIME: President Bush signed a law making it a crime to post "annoying" Web messages or sending "annoying" e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity. As the Cato Institute notes, forbidding anonymous communications on the Internet violates free speech rights long recognized by the US Supreme Court. Anonymous and pseudonymous speech played a vital role in the founding of America. Thomas Paine's Common Sense was first released signed, 'An Englishman.' Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison, Samuel Adams, and others carried out the debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists using pseudonyms. Today, human rights workers in China and many other countries use anonymity to allow their free speech. Has the US Congress gone mad?

"WASHINGTON: US officials admit they are opening personal mail that arrives from abroad whenever they think it's necessary to protect the country from terrorism. News of this little known practice follows revelations that President Bush violated the law by approving eavesdropping on US citizens without judicial approval or oversight. No thank you, Big Brothers."


Blogger tornwordo said...

I am stunned. Fuck Bush is right.

6:51 AM  

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