Sitges, beach "town" south of Barcelona

I've been wanting to visit Sitges since I arrived in Barcelona. From the literature it is the gay destination for gay's traveling in the summer season. I envisioned a smallish beach resort but it's not small at all! It's pretty huge! ALLLLL the buildings are 4 - 5 stories tall on every block. I got some decent photos today. But more interesting than just the town ....
I chose a spot near the small cathedral perched on the edge of the Mediterranean to wait for sunset. As I sat waiting, and reading for the umpteenth time "Foundation" by Isaac Asimov, I saw a man approaching me on the narrow ledge upon which I was sitting. He pulled a luggage cart with a very small piece of luggage and a sleeping bag. Was he homeless? I couldn't tell, he looked young and very healthy, so I guessed not. What I noticed most about him was the glow on his face. His eyes were aflame as if he'd seen Jesus Himself. He was looking at the sunset, still bright over the Mediterranean, and was obviously ecstatic about it. I politely stood up from the narrow ledge so he could pass with his "luggage."
As the sun began to set, I clumsily tried to figure how to create a self-portrait. Meanwhile (as you can see in the 'self-portrait') the 'spiritual guy' made his way to the end of the breakwater and bowed. He bowed on the wet rocks and faced not the sunset, but Venus and the crescent moon. I started to tear up. What does this guy know that I don't? I sensed the spiritual power of the moment, but he was bowing to it. I looked to my left and saw the church on the Mediterranean gloriously lit by the sunset. I looked to my right and saw a man bowing toward the perfectly aligned moon and Venus. I felt like I was in a spiritual vortex. What was the meaning of it all?
I don't know the meaning, but it felt like I was in the middle of something very powerful and very spiritual. I wanted to cry, but instead I decided to snap some pictures!
Pay close attention to the pictures and notice the star just above the moon in many of the following. Where the man is bowing if you look closely there is the moon in the upper left. The streak of light is a jet stream that wondered between the moon and Venus.

Hey, beautiful shots. I really like the one with the tree, the twilight and the moon with venus.
I agree. Beautiful photos. Hope you enjoy Sitges and Barcelona.
You have to visit Portugal too. Big hug.
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