Saturday, November 12, 2005

Gay American in Barcelona

Being an internationally aware citizen of the world, I realize how stupid it is to say I'm "American." "American" could mean I'm from north, central, or south america, right? Most people from the U.S. never think of this. But I digress already.

If you're a reader of my old webiste "I'm Gay, So What?" you know that I came out of the closet very late (at age 40) and my first real "long-term" relationship with a guy was with Ricardo who I met while on vacation in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. Ricardo now lives with his new boyfriend in Amsterdam. Ricardo and I stay in touch via email and he is on my list of recipients who get updates of my adventures abroad. Ricardo refered me to a good friend of his who happens to live in Barcelona and is gay. He hoped we would get together and that his friend would introduce me to the gay life and culture here. I thought that was very thoughtful of him....

Being quite shy, I nervously called this friend of Ricardo's and got voice mail. I left a nervous message inviting the man to return my call or email me and I expressed hope we could get together and I would like to treat him to dinner to celebrate his recent birthday.

I called him last Tuesday and I've not heard from him. If I was more agressive I would of/should of, called him again. In fact I spoke with Ricardo this week and he suggested I do just that.

But I've not called him back. I suppose I will, but I just don't feel like stalking some guy I don't even know.

I really do need to give Gay Barcelona a try. I understand it is fabulous, and that the Spanish culture is such that age is not an issue like is in the States. In the U.S. I feel quite OLD. But supposedly here in Spain my age is irrelevant. I like the concept but I'll believe it when I experience it.

As an older gay man, I'm still pretty fortunate. While I am 49, I still have a good physique (32" waist, 6'1", 179 lbs., lean and muscled, a mostly-full head of hair still mostly dark brown (some grey starting to show)). So when I mention I am "retired" to people in school for example, I get strange looks and comments like I am way too young to be retired. Which I appreciate of course.

Okay, so it is 8 p.m. in Barcelona. I'm considering going out for the first time to brave the gay bars here. This means I will need to take a nap and then proceed to the bars after midnight if I want to find more than one or two people in the bars. Most of the activity takes place between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. Will I make it? We'll see.

That's how things look tonight from Barcelona, Spain.


Blogger tornwordo said...

So did you make it? The bars don't get going here until midnight either so I'm rarely in them.

4:15 AM  

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