
I sold the Beemer on Tuesday to a very happy young woman. And to celebrate the transfer of the car out of my name, and the deposit of a very hefty check into my account, I treated myself to lunch at Skewers in West Hollywood. And much unlike me in the middle of the day, I ordered a wine with lunch. I began journaling during lunch to try and get in touch with how I was feeling, since I'd not had much time to reflect or "feel" since I stopped working a week or so ago. That day, I did start to feel the reality that it was all happening -- that I was no longer working, that I was a free man, and that I could go or do anything my heart wanted to.
After that early wine, I wondered over to the Abbey and joined some nice folks at the bar for another, and another, and another glass of wine. By the time they all left, we were all best buddies. And by the time my friend S. called me and said he was on his way (oh? I forgot he was coming to visit me on Tuesday night!) it was 6 PM and I was talking to yet another guy and still drinking wine at the Abbey. And yet I managed to walk with my buddy (by now he'd caught up with me with his very strong vodka drinks) over to our favorite WEHO restaurant Cafe De'Etoille. We had a lovely dinner (and more wine) and eventually? headed over to the new bar which used to be the video bar _____? (oh my how my memory is going already!) but this new rendition of the bar is quite lovely, with nice sitting spaces and an ambiance where you can hear and talk. We managed to get home, and S. crashed on my couch, poor boy had to go to work the next morning! Ouch.
And now I can't seem to find my journal. Which bar did I leave it at? I'll have to go fishing tomorrow.
My car is sold. My furniture sold. Saturday I have a moving sale and get rid of as much of my household stuff as I can. Two weeks from today all my furniture gets taken away..... I still have to figure out what to do with Kitty, and where I will stay from close of escrow to leaving the country day.
Today I decided I needed an "artist date" and took myself to see a movie at the Grove in Beverly Hills. By "took myself" I mean I actually hopped on a Metro bus for the first time ever, and found my way over to the Grove. It was actually not that bad! The buses are clean, and air conditioned, and I could actually see surviving in L.A. on these buses, presuming one did not have to be anywhere in a hurry. Consequently, that is exactly who seems rides the buses, retired people, students and the unemployed (or so I'm guessing). It's a crap shoot as to how long it will be before the next bus comes around. But all in all it was not a bad experience!
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