Living my nightmare

For more than 20 years I've had repeated dreams where I am moving and I get stuck in slow motion and I can't get everything packed, or I don't have any help to move the big stuff. I'm frozen and unable to finish packing and moving because there is just too much and it all overwhelms me.
Yet, after making my decision to sell everything and go to Barcelona, I had a dream recently where for the first time ever, all my stuff was packed and gone, and my apartment I was vacating was completely empty! This is pretty significant as far as my dreams go, and it felt good.
But at the moment, I'm living in my nightmares. Everything I own is strewn all over the floor of my apartment with the hopes I can sell it all. I had a moving sale yesterday, but it was not very successful. I advertised in Craig's List but not many people came. I will try again next Saturday. Everything $1 - All must go.
My niece's fiance is coming over in the morning with his truck to take the things I've packed up to keep/store. That amounts to five boxes, some artwork, and a trash can full of earthquake preparedness stuff (camping equipment, survival things). Pretty good to narrow a lifetime of goods down to that, eh? I've been narrowing my posessions down now for at least 10 years, since the Northridge earthquake took a bunch of my stuff, then I moved 12 times since then. Everytime I move I get rid of more stuff, to where I am now down to all my posessions in the size of a small one bedroom apartment. Still, it seems like so much and is overwhelming!
After the storage things are packed up, I get ready to go to see the King Tut exhibition at the LACMA. I think it will be an interesting day!
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