Thursday, September 15, 2005

My journal found me

I received a call tonight. It was my journal calling. Or I should say the bar where I left it. They called the 82 year old lady Joelle (I think in Oregon?) that I met while in Ajijic and she gave them my phone number! Joelle wrote her address and email down on a piece of paper and I stuck it in my journal, as I promised to mail her back a book she let me borrow. Sad thing is, I've not communicated with her once since I left Mexico, and now she gets a call from someone in a gay bar in West Hollywood asking her if she knew someone who.... Who WHAT?! My name was not in the journal, so they must have read some of the journal to her and she figured out it was me?! Oh Jesus!

Anyway, my journal found me, and I know from whence I need to retrieve it. By the way the name of the bar is East-West, which is the name of the new bar I described in my last post! They are pretty classy to track me down and call me to let me know they have my journal!

  • Gym
  • Get parking permits from Sherrif station for moving sale
  • Create signs to post for moving sale
  • Laundry, and clean apartment

Thanks Joelle.


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